Belinda Reviews: Nansi Kunze—"Dangerously Placed"

Ever wondered what it would be like to find an employee of the business you’re doing work experience for lying dead on his office floor? Unfortunately for Alexandra Thaler, that’s exactly what happened on her second day with Simulcorp’s marketing division.

Simulcorp is ahead of the game with state of the art virtual reality technologies that allow employees from all over the world to work in the one virtual office space. So when the head of the marketing division is murdered in his virt room across town, things get rather complicated and suspicious fingers automatically start pointing at local employees as possible culprits. Employees like Alex.

It falls to Alex and her friends to clear her name, keep her safe from a stalker, and catch the real murderer. But hey, that’s what friends are for.

Nansi had me in the palm of her hand right till the last page, and it was to the point where I was considering writing out a suspect list myself to figure out who did the deed.

I liked that her teenagers are intelligent; aren’t hung up on teen angst, and are not ruled by peer pressure to be cardboard cut-outs of one another. They are individuals and, if anything, it enhanced their friendships. The slight touch of romance wasn’t enough to lose male audiences and the guys were friendly enough to keep female audiences interested.

I didn’t realize how much I enjoy a well written mystery, and how much fun it is to follow the clues to see if it really was Miss Plum in the library with the candle stick, just as I suspected all along. Dangerously Placed is the perfect read for those excruciating days that seem to drag on forever. I promise it’ll speed things up with its fast pace, intrigue, mystery, and humor.

Thanks for reintroducing me to the mystery genre, Nansi. I appreciate it.

Dangerously Placed–Nansi Kunze

1 March, 2011, by Random House, Australia

Paperback, 275 Pages

ISBN: 9781864718829

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