Joelene Says: Blogging a Special Event

Joelene_tnAs I’ll assume everyone knows, Bel and I are off to Sydney in September for an amazing night of Hachette-induced fun. We have been promised YA, Laini Taylor, and fellow bloggers, so obviously we are nearly delirious with happiness.

Bel is already wonderfully organised and prepared and she will do the Burn Bright team proud. Me – not so much!

Taylor_Smoke and BoneMy preparations thus far have extended to taking Bel’s travel itinerary for my own. Time-management, people, I have it! I’m frantically ordering Laini Taylor’s Daughter of Smoke and Bone series because I may be late on the band-wagon, but I’m not going to miss it completely; and checking Hachette’s latest YA offerings–you may call it procrastination, but I call it research.

A YA event with Hachette is probably about the most exciting thing in the world right now, and not only because it gives me a chance to gush about books without people backing away slowly, it’s also because one of Hachette’s imprints, Little, Brown, will be releasing books from some of my favourite authors in the next few months.

Lair of Dreams, the second book in Libba Bray’s Diviners series will be out mid-next year. The third book in Gail Carriger’s Finishing School series will be released in November. And Holly Black’s Darkest Part of the Forest has an early January release date.

With these amazing titles set to be released so soon I can’t wait to find out what else Hachette has coming out for Christmas. Hopefully we’ll be able to get all the goss early September, so we can pass it on! Until then I’ll be reading Laini Taylor.


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