Krista Reviews: Libba Bray's - "The Diviners"

Bray_DivinersEvie O’Neill has been exiled from her boring old hometown and shipped off to the bustling streets of New York City–and she is pos-i-toot-ly thrilled. New York is the city of speakeasies, shopping, and movie palaces! Soon enough, Evie is running with glamorous Ziegfield girls and rakish pickpockets. The only catch is Evie has to live with her Uncle Will, curator of The Museum of American Folklore, Superstition, and the Occult–also known as “The Museum of the Creepy Crawlies.”

When a rash of occult-based murders comes to light, Evie and her uncle are right in the thick of the investigation. And through it all, Evie has a secret: a mysterious power that could help catch the killer–if he doesn’t catch her first

Evie O’Neill is the main focus of this epic new paranormal story from Libba Bray set in 1920’s New York City.

Evie has just moved in with her uncle after leaving home. She has the power to read objects and has visions. Unfortunately it doesn’t help her get away from the occult when her uncle runs the Museum of the Creepy Crawlies.

Evie soon gets caught up in the police investigations of a serial killer. Strangely, all clues lead to the long dead Naughty John, who couldn’t possibly be committing the murders… could he? From there on in, Evie is drawn into a world that is dangerous and thrilling.

Bray keeps up a quick-witted, snappy dialogue as she beautifully portrays the fashion, entertainment and superstitions of the time. 

While Evie’s story is pretty well rounded in book one, Libba Bray leaves a lot of the other characters stories unfinished. This will draw the reader in for the next instalment to see what happens next.


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