By the Bel: 5 Top Reads 2014

Belinda_kisses_tnThis was a year for my favourite series to end. One after the other, they fell like dominoes. This both pleases me because it frees up these brilliant authors to move onto fresh concepts, and saddens me; some of my favourite worlds and characters will only live on in the pages or in my head. I didn’t want to make this list all about the series which ended in 2014, but a couple made it here regardless.


van wagen-popular-a-memoir-by-maya-van-wagenenThe Hunger Games – Suzanne Collins

I was holding out on this one because I’m not a fan of so much hype. I LOVED this; so yeah, I joined the voices of the people at the cinemas telling anyone who hadn’t read the book to do so ASAP. Well worth it.


Popular: Vintage Wisdom for a Modern Geek – Maya Van Wagenen

I saw Maya speak on one of my morning programs and was blown away by how mature she is; I had to read her book. Apart from being a well-spoken young lady, she is an accomplished writer. She’s going to be powerful in her own right.


Sacrifice – Brigid Kemmerer

There are no plans for any more books on the Merrick Brothers, which breaks my heart. As far as final books go, this one is certainly going to set you outside your comfort zone, in a gut wrenching way. I’d pay Brigid to keep writing about this family, but I know I can’t afford her extensive talents.


After the End – Amy Plum

Juneau hooked and landed me. I hope she’ll kick some serious backside in the next book Until the Beginning.


Dreams of Gods and Monsters – Laini Taylor

I love it when a series ends exactly how you wanted it too. Laini crafted these worlds and characters like a boss.


Most Anticipated


kenyon_instinctThe Darkest Part of the Forest – Holly Black

I’ve read the review copy we received in Sydney, and, oh my gosh, you guys are going to love it.


Until the Beginning – Amy Plum

Janeau is gonna kick some butt and have me fist pumping till the end of this instalment; I can just tell.


Vision in Silver – Anne Bishop

These characters make me giggle, and Anne has crafted a conundrum of epic proportions for them to untangle. I cannot wait.


Hello, Goodbye and Everything In Between – Jennifer E. Smith

I am looking forward to some for some light, fluffy happy stuff to read, but I have to wait until September to get some.


Instinct – Sherrilyn Kenyon

Book 6 in the Chronicles of Nick series is shaping up to be a heart stopping joyride



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