Spotlight On: A. V. Mather

Alison MatherHow long have you been writing for MDPWeb, why did you join the group, and what do you like about being part of it?

I think for about a year. I joined because it’s a wonderful opportunity to be associated with great writers, and it keeps me writing.

What creative piece are you working on, and what author would you liken your work too?

Currently attempting a re-imaging of the first story I wrote for young readers. I’m not sure whose style I’m similar to but I’ve been told that my stories have an Alice in Wonderland/Narnia feel to them, with a modern edge.

What book have you most enjoyed reviewing for MDPWeb?

Year’s Best YA Speculative Fiction 2013. Those stories are on fire!

What’s your favourite thing to do in your downtime?

Obviously nothing shameful like inhale TV series and shop online. So…read and be in nature. I also really love to lie down and think.

Is there somewhere else online/in bookstores we can find your work?

Not yet, but you can follow me on Twitter @AVMather, check out my writer’s page on fb under AV Mather, and also find me on my agent’s website

What’s your favourite TV series?

Just one? I can’t be expected to work within these stingy parameters. Twin Peaks, hands down.

Who or what is your current crush?

My current addiction is Canadian and American home renovation shows, and have major crushes on a several of the hosts. I want to be Joanna from Fixer Upper when I grow up.



I am a Brisbane-based writer of Fantasy fiction for Young Adults. I have a BA in Fine Arts and a Post-Grad in Education. In previous decades I have worked as a Scenic Artist and a Secondary School Art teacher. Eight years ago I finally gave in to my overactive imagination and devoted myself wholly to writing. I am represented by Tom Witcomb, of Blake Friedmann Agency in London, England.

I enjoy reading widely across genres and am also interested in art, satire, history, the natural world, photography, popular culture, psychology, road trips and good stories – real and imagined.

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