Spotlight On: Krista McKeeth

Krista McKeethHow long have you been writing for MDPWeb, why did you join the group, and what do you like about being part of it?

I was lucky enough to be asked to join the group in May of 2011. I have been able to meet some amazing people from all over the world and be able to share thoughts on books and cultural topics. Learning about Fashion, TV,  books, cooking, writing and so much more!

What creative piece are you working on, and what author would you liken your work too?

I only wish I might write a novel one day! For now, I really enjoy reading books for all ages and genres, and expanding my knowledge and imagination.

What book have you most enjoyed reviewing for MDPWeb?

The main reason I have been book blogging for so long… Marianne’s teen novel Burn Bright, the beginning of one of my favourite trilogies, and I love talking about it

What’s your favourite thing to do in your downtime?

Most of my downtime is spent reading, and the usual of music, movies, TV as well. I also enjoy going fishing.

Is there somewhere else online/in bookstores we can find your work?

My focus has been on the book community since I started by blog: Social media sites like Twitter, Youtube, Goodreads, Facebook is where I spend most of my time talking about books and bookish things and my blog Cubicle Blindness Book Reviews.

What’s your favourite TV series?

Ever since The Office (US) has been over I have found it hard to find a favourite new show that I loved as much. Big Bang Theory is one that I enjoy keeping up with.

Who or what is your current crush?

Emma Watson, Johnny Depp, Coconut Water, Koosh Balls, Kittens, 3 Musketeers Chocolate bars and Vampires.


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