Supernatural in Focus with Cels — The Fae

Cels Says:

What is it you imagine when you think Fae? Little Sprite-like creatures with gossamer wings, flitting through the flowerbeds all but invisible to the naked Human eye?  Or perhaps your imagination leads you to thoughts of the Tooth Fairy, Hobgoblins or the regal Sidhe. So what exactly are the Fae, and where do the Fairy Tale end and the legend begin?

A common misconception that floats around is that Fae equals the Sidhe, also known as the Unseelie and Seelie Courts. Just like Humanity is composed of differing Nationalities and Religions, The Fae are made up of a diverse range of races, each with their own special magic and myth.  So just who are some of the extraordinary beings that have added a wealth of adventure and imagination since stories were first told?

The Brownies are said to roam mainly in the Scottish Highlands, and, if you are lucky enough to have one become attached to your household, you may find chores done by seemingly none and any animals around you will thrive on the added nurturing and attention.

Goblins could be considered the Fae equivalent to the Mob. Thieves, sometimes murderers, always tricksters and often companions of the dead (especially on All Hallows Eve) they’re just downright nasty pieces of work– you definitely don’t want to tangle with them, even if they make you an offer you can’t refuse.

Hags seem to get the short end of the stick, thanks no doubt in part to Hag Black Annis’s cannibalistic nature. Native to the British Isle, they are the keepers of winter; they appear as wizened, ugly old women til spring, when they emerge young and revitalised.

The Sluagh are the most frightening of the Highland Sidhe, composed of Unforgiven dead that can be called by Necromancers. Trolls hide from the sun in the caves of Scandinavia and, although ugly, they are mainly harmless if left alone

Will-o-Wisps are still a mystery to most researchers. Floating balls of light known to lead unsuspecting Humans into mischief and danger, the most well known of which are the Sidhe. They hailing mostly from Ireland and are  the only Fae race to truly fit into Human Society unnoticed. Their societal structure is believed to be similar to ours, divided mostly into the Seelie and UnSeelie Courts, who enjoy a conflict amongst themselves every so often. The Trooping Faeries are also believed to be Sidhe, but these are wanderers and not members of either court. It is believed the Sidhe once lived alongside Humans in Ireland during the Dark Ages and shared many of their gifts, before leaving for their own dimension. Places in Ireland are still deemed sacred Faery mounds and paths.

So next time you see the glint of sunlight off wings, or sneeze thanks to faery dust, remember: not all Fae are nice, even if they are pretty.

*~YA “Faery  Tales”- To get you started~*

Tempestuous – Lesley Livingston        The Iron Fae Series – Julie Kagawa Tithe – Holly Black

Wings Aprilynne Pike         Glimmerglass – Jenna Black         Wicked Lovely Series – Melissa Marr         Need – Carrie Jones

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