Supernatural in Focus with Cels: Dragons

I have a confession to make- I wish I was a Dragon. The ability of flight, longevity super strength and, some days, being able to slightly roast your enemies would feel very rewarding. Plus you would never run out of ways to toast your marshmallows or worry about your coffee going cold ever again. But what do we really know about these majestic creatures of myth and legend?

Well, surprisingly, there is a lot of information out there on both the European Dragon, with its cute little bat-type wings and rounded belly, and its skinnier, and often more ferocious-looking, cousin who hails from Asian culture. Surprisingly, the cuter of the two (in my opinion), the European dragon  is believed to be the more malevolent. Believed to make its home in caves or underground lairs, not only do they have the ability to toast you to a crisp, but some species are also believed to be deadly poisonous. Ancient creatures of the earth element, these Dragons will guard their territory with a fierceness unmatched in the animal kingdom. Its Eastern counterpart, on the other hand, is supposed to be quite benevolent and is also said to possess a Human form. This dragon is also a symbol of good luck and longevity. Chinese emperors used the Dragon as a symbol to bring prosperity to  their reign.

Both sets are considered extremely potent in the magical arts and it is believed that early practitioners would risk life and limb to gain Dragon scales and the like for the magical mixings.

Then there is the scientific answer that the Dragon myths and legends were born out of the early uncovering of fossils before anyone knew what dinosaurs were. Makes you wonder what all those knights of old were really heading off to slay, then.

Despite all the differing myth and legends, I still want to be a Dragon; but, I’m combining the two – a fierce earth warrior with cute little wings and a Human form, bringing prosperity and good luck wherever I go. Just don’t disturb my lair or come to visit  in shiny armour. Gives a whole new meaning to the term “Dragon Lady”, doesn’t it?

~Some fierce tales featuring Dragons to sink your claws into~:

The Harry Potter series — J K Rowling       Books Based on the TV Series — Merlin

Dark Heavens and Journey to Wundang Series — Kylie Chan

The Fire series — Chris d’Lacey      The Eragon series — Christopher Paolini

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